Jail Project:
This started in 1989. APWA provided a teacher and sewing machines for the women prisoners. The project has been so successful that APWA opened a shop to sell these products. This gave the women an opportunity to earn money for their needs as well as a means of supporting themselves after they are released. An adult literacy class has also opened. APWA provided Eid presents for the children of the inmates whom range from 0-10 years.
APWA has established and runs 32 schools nationwide and 5 adult literacy centres. Alongside formal education, sports activities are encouraged and education is enhanced through organised school trips. Scholarships are available for further education in Business Studies and colleges. APWA runs 3 women’s colleges and hostels.
Orphange in KPK
Zari Sarfaraz Sewing Centre in KPK
Medical Centre Khairpur
Karachi Craft Shop:
This provides a place where women can sell their handicrafts and earn an income.
Social, Health and Awareness Centres:
*Karachi alone has 5 mother & child health care centres.
*Career Women’s Hostel in Punjab.
*Children’s Day Care Centre.
*APWA Punjab Legal Centre: offers free legal advice and professional support.
*Non-smoking awareness campaigns.
*Down Syndrome awareness.
*Teacher training programmes.
*TB health camp.