Our Mission
Seemi Awan is new APWA UK Chairwoman
With our Chairperson Nasim Khan's tenure nearing an end, APWA UK Trustees unanimously decided for our Vice Chair Seemi Awan to take charge as the new chairperson. The new Trustees are now updated on our site here.
Eid Luncheon – Sat 15 June
Details Join us at the Bombay Palace for an Eid Luncheon. Date: Sat 15th June Time: 12-4pm Lunch: 1:30pm Musical Entertainment Tickets: Adults - £45, Children (under 10) - £20 Ticket Payments All ticket payments to Account: The UK All Pakistan Women's Association Bank: Lloyds Bank Sort Code: 30-94-31 [...]
25th Nov: Annual Celebration of Jashen Milad-Un_Nabi (saw)
We are delighted to invite you to our annual Milad event on Sunday 25th November 2018. We very much hope you will be able to join us. Date: Sunday 25th November 2018 Time: 2-5pm (Please arrive on time) Donation: It would be appreciated if everyone could support the event by [...]
Newly Elected APWA Birmingham Committee
APWA UK congratulates and welcomes the newly elected APWA Birmingham committee. Elections were held on 2nd June 2018 at the Rawal Village, Ladypool Road and was well attended. Chairperson : Riffat Mughal Secretary : Rubina Khan Treasurer : Sajida Awan The new team are dedicated and hard working [...]
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Message From The Chairperson

The APWA UK seeks to be a bridge between the women of Pakistani origin and British society. APWA UK is a strong platform to encourage British-Pakistani women to actively participate in the economic, social and political structure of the United Kingdom.
APWA UK focuses on the empowerment of women through education and training programmes.
Please join us to help our projects.
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